Ballina Fine Gael cllr Mark Duffy looks set to be elected to the Seanad, as the only Mayo candidate in the running.
Of the 11 seats to be filled on the Labour Panel of the Seanad, five candidates have already been deemed elected – Chris Andrews (Sinn Féin), Gerard Craughwell (Independent), Robbie Gallagher (Fianna Fáil), Margaret Murphy O’Mahony (Fianna Fáil) and Patricia Stephenson (Social Democrats).
Local candidates, Sligo’s Nessa Cosgrove (Labour) and Galway’s Anne Rabbitte (Fianna Fáil) are also in strong positions to claim a Seanad seat.
The 11 seats on the Agricultural Panel have now been filled, including the following:
Niall Blaney (Fianna Fáil), Victor Boyhan (Independent), Paraic Brady (Fine Gael), Maria Byrne (Fine Gael), Joanne Collins (Sinn Féin), Teresa Costello (Fianna Fáil), Paul Daly (Fianna Fáil), Eileen Lynch (Fine Gael), PJ Murphy (Fine Gael), Malcolm Noonan (Green) and Sarah O’Reilly (Aontú).
The five seats on the Cultural and Educational Panel have been filled, with Galway’s Shane Curley (Fianna Fáil) and Sean Kyne (Fine Gael) taking positions.
They are joined on the panel by Cathal Byrne (Fine Gael), Joe Conway (Independent) and Pauline Tully (Sinn Féin).