The impact of Storm Eowyn on the Castlebar Municipal District was discussed at yesterday’s monthly meeting of the District.
Standing Orders were suspended to discuss the matter.
Councillors insisted that lessons need to be learned as many people in the area remain without electricity, telecom services and water.
While councillors were loud in praise of frontline staff, and their extensive work in the aftermath of the storm, they described as "woefully inadequate" the infrastructure of Telecom, ESB and Irish water.
They blamed trees falling on wires as 95 percent of the problem and want the issue immediately addressed.
They also want chimneys to be allowed in new house builds. Many young families, they claimed, with new homes and no chimneys were left with no source of heat or any way of cooking, often with electric cars unable to charge , and some locked in behind electric gates.
Councillor Cyril Burke saiD that at 3pm yesterday (Wed) of the 40,000 households in the Castlebar area, 9,000 were without either water, electricity or both.. six days after the storm.