The Department of Integration has confirmed to Sligo deputy Frank Feighin that it has a ‘no plans’ to procure The Yeats Country Hotel at Rosses Point for the provision of an asylum seeker or refugee accommodation centre.
Following a query to the department of Integration by the Fine Gael deputy he says today he has received confirmation from the procurement team at Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth that it has received no offers and is not examining the ‘Old Yeats Country Hotel’ Rosses Point for future use.
“It is not listed under possible acquisitions or as an ‘expression of interest’ property”.
Deputy Feighin has welcomed the response saying that “Rosses Point is one of Sligo’s premier tourist resorts with a wonderful beach and a world class golf course, the village has only one hotel within the village, and it is vital for the future of many businesses which are dependent on bed nights located in the village that the Yeats Country would remain as a hotel accommodating tourists from home and abroad.
He says he will continue to closely monitor the situation and will remain in on-going contact with the department of integration on the matter.