You could be paying €10,000 more for your home insurance over the lifetime of your mortgage, because of where you live.
A new analysis from Peopl Insurance reveals a 62% difference in property insurance rates, depending on address.
The research found the most expensive counties to insure your home in are Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon, while Carlow, Waterford and Kilkenny are the cheapest.
This means the cost of insuring a property in Carlow is nearly €500 per year, but insuring the same property in Roscommon could cost you €800.
In Dublin variations across the county range from €500, to nearly €650 per year.
Peopl Insurance say the distance of emergency services, the history of burglaries in the area, and local weather conditions all play a role in differing prices.
(photo credit to Newstalk)