The Department of Agriculture don’t know the true extent of the effect that this year’s weather conditions continue to have on farmers in the West of Ireland.

That’s according to the Vice President of the Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association, Michael McDonnell.

Farmers are being affected both financially and mentally due to the stress that the bad weather has caused, and the INHFA are calling on more support from the department.

According to Mr. McDonnell, the department are advising farmers to put slurry on the drier part of their land, but there is no point in issuing this advice if it is not applicable for farmers.

Having welcomed the recent Fodder Register initiative taken on by Teagasc to make fodder accessible to farmers from farmers who may have excess fodder, Mr McDonnell says that the department must step in here to aid the cause.

He says that the transport cost involved in that is a challenge for farmers, and the Minister and Department of Agriculture must ‘foot that bill.’

Mr. McDonnell has been outlining his concerns to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey:

(pic Agriland)


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