Rumoured links between the death of a 14-year-old Mayo schoolboy and a ‘Tik Tok’ video game were dispelled at an inquest held this week into the boy’s death.

Caylum Flynn, from Scardaune, Claremorris, died in August 2022 after getting caught in a heavy duty haulage strap he used to lift a Go-Cart in a shed, which he used as a workshop, beside his home.

The medical cause of death was explained by consultant pathologist Dr. Tamas Nemeth as asphyxia.

Rumours circulated that the death was connected to a ‘Tik Tok’ video but these suggestions were ruled out at an inquest this week into the boy’s death.

After hearing evidence from Caylum’s father and a brother, as well as investigating gardai, the Coroner for the District of Mayo, Pat O’Connor said he was satisfied there was nothing of evidential value to link a ‘Tik Tok’ video to the death.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, Coroner O’Connor described the death as “a dreadful tragedy” for the Flynn family.



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